
How to Change Arris Wifi Name and Password – HomeNetworkON

One of the basic and easy to implement things you can do to boost your wireless network security is to set up a wireless password for your network. This article will show you how to change Arris WiFi name and password.

IMPORTANT: When you change the Arris WiFi name and password, the devices previously connected to the network will lose wireless connection. You will need to connect again to the new network name and the new WiFi password.

Access the Arris router settings

The Arris WiFi password change, as well as any other change you want to do in the router settings, can be done via the Arris router admin dashboard or the web-based interface.

To access the admin dashboard and all the settings you will need to login to your Arris router first. You can read our detailed step-by-step guide on how to login to your Arris router.

The System Basic Setup page

After you gain access to the Arris router settings, the System Basic Setup page will open.

This is the first page where you can change the Arris Wifi name and password. Keep in mind that you don’t need to make things too complicated here. The goal is to have a wireless network secured with a strong and unique password.

How to change Arris WiFi name and password [Explained]

How to Change Arris Wifi Name

You can change the network name in the Wireless Network name (SSID) field. You can type anything you want there, but make sure to change the default network name on both Wireless 2.4 GHz and Wireless 5 GHz network. Also, when you enter the new network name make sure these two are different. Just add “5G” at the end to make the difference.

How to Change Arris Wifi Password

You can also change the WiFi password here. Just type your new password in the Wi-Fi Security Key field.

When setting up a new password it is good to come up with a strong and memorable one. We recommend creating something between 8 to 12 characters long, and please make a combination of capital and lower-case letters, special characters and numbers.

Make sure to write the new password somewhere. You will definitely need it later when you want to add a new device to the network or update the WiFi password on your existing devices.

The WiFi password can be the same on both Wireless 2.4 GHz and Wireless 5 GHz networks.

Click the Apply button to save the changes.

Use the More Wireless Settings… for Advanced WiFi changes

After you set or change the network name you can click the More Wireless Settings… link to perform some advanced changes of the Wireless 2.4 GHz or Wireless 5 GHz network.

Broadcast network name (SSID)

You can choose to enable or disable the network name (SSID) broadcast. We highly recommend enabling this feature, although some would suggest disabling it in order to make your home network more secure. However, this can cause you some unwanted problems so we are going to keep this enabled.

Tx Power Level

By default, the Tx Power level is set to HIGH. This provides the greatest coverage and excellent signal strength. But the question is, do you really need to have an excellent WiFi signal outside your home? Therefore, we recommend changing it to MEDIUM, or even LOW if it’s enough for your home.


You can set this to Auto. This option will perform a quick scan of the channels and select the best one i.e. the one with least interference.

Security Mode

The next option you should check is the Security mode. The best would be to select WPA2-PSK (AES) (Recommended). This is practically the standard now and you can be sure that your WiFi password is very well protected.

This is the same as the Wi-Fi Security Key in the System Basic Setup page. You need to type your new password here.

Final thoughts

Although it may seem complicated at first, changing the Arris Wifi settings is not that complicated. Actually, it is pretty simple and straightforward one you learn how to change Arris Wifi name and password. Make sure to save the new WiFi password for later, we are sure you will need it the first time a new guest comes to your place.

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